::want coffee!....
m : Okay. You're crying now...you can't cry and talk about a funny movie!!
xx: No i'm not... really i'm not!.
m: No fake smiles....What's going on?
xx: Nothing.... I just feel misplaced...like you got all the right things
in all the wrong places...figure it!
m: what is the hell i'm so worried about you .. Why do you think a lot?
xx :Well, it would just be a waste of time..
you weren’t there when it first started, you can’t help. You know?
m:... I know i can always help. ...We both know that!
xx: no,no this time believe me..all wht i can say i feel like i don’t need, Everything. Just everything..!
m: Why are you giving up on yourself?
xx:.....can we just sit here in silence...?
m : You betraying yourself!?
xx :......Want coffee!
Love x x