Dear. . ., you wouldn't read this lines ever.. however , it's something like venting.., poor you will never know it because it's healthy ..psychically and mentally, wich you really deprived of it,..hun.. we live in different worlds,My reality is different than yours.It's okay for people to have different backgrounds and become friends...It's okay for people to have different opinions and share them.It's okay for people to push their differences aside and just get along.
and you know what? I wouldn’t change and I’d NEVER EVER give up on being who I am! I'm sorry you feel that it's not OKAY, ..I really pity you..
Ever have one of those nights her head is full of jumbled thoughts, worries, and revelations?It’s after 2 a.m. and as dead tired as she was, she can’t seem to sleep! it’s been building the past few days…a growing sense of anxiety and sinking Have she made a grave mistake?or just she became more sensitive lately she loves her job and her community, but she is exhausted lately she stay away of writing her private thoughts,diary, memories even her daily quick sticky notes so she thought of writing all actually nonsense thought to clear her head and her heart in order to get rid of this feelings.
El Tango De Roxanne.. Press play...and..Why does my heart cry Feelings I can't fight agh..Why does my heart cry..? unconsciously she just dig deep and opened her hypothetical dark black box, where she bury all her bitter hours,awkward moments,sore memories, infinite number of hate images and SMSes, sick minded people stupid smiles, anxiety voices,,,,etc. as it's officially one year passed by she madly resent those days now,it hurts.. with all her green-eyed monster.., anger inside ,she recalled him .. his name.. his face crossed up clearly on her mind ..she cried with her silent tears and all she wanted to do is hold a grudge ..yea it HURTS!.. Gosh! That silly smile again, it always provoked me..This selfish he holds inside his soul has blinded him it seems! she broke up with him although they were never ironic.! has been most of her awkward days in her life
with her coffee while she witnessing an amazing seen of the moon ,she cleared her mobile msgs… she read every single word…remembered each situation as if it was yesterday…then deleted all those who brings her painful memories… numbers and messages from people who happened to be close to her at a certain time in her life…and now they are only memories of the past…it was as if she was trying to erase certain period of her life… But then again,she keep telling herself… No, I wasn’t doing so… it’s just that… whenever I read those messages I seem to be getting hurt all over again……she smiled and told her self that sometimes you has to forsake some painful memories ,so that you can be able to move on forward in your life…
ارفض قواعد اللغة المنطقية وبعيدا عن المفردات والكلمات العادية ابداء حديث معك كنت بدائته مع نفسي حديث بيني وبيني بيني التي هي انا وبيني التي هي انت حديث بدائته معك .. معك التي هي نفسي . ونفسي التي هي انت وانت حياة وروح نفسي فهل تكتمل نفسي بدون روح !..
this blog is a sneak peek at my thoughts where you can find a past regrets to the sun,a constantly craving to the moon, and a simple wishes upon a stars,here just a random loud thought to me despite the many swirling thoughts in my head,with the flavor of Caramel..Enjoy!
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